Monthly Tuition Fee/ Late Fee:
Tuition is due on or before the first day of each month. Forms of payment accepted are post-dated cheques, cash, debit and interact e-transfer. Please make cheques payable to B2A Learning Centre. There is a $25 service charge for all NSF cheques.
A $5 fee will be incurred for late payments. Fees that are more than 1 month overdue will incur an additional $5 fee each month.
Students are required to pay $50 dollars deposit, refundable within thirty days’ notice of discontinuation.
Absence Policy
Regular attendance is necessary to meet academic goals. If your child is not able to attend the afterschool program due to sickness, and/or other personal reasons, please call/ leave a message to (437) 970 2909 within 24 hours prior to the day of absence. With 24 hours notice, we can provide a maximum of one make-up class per subject, per 1 month payment cycle. Make-up classes will occur on a different day of the week than your regular scheduled class and are subject to availability.
Failure to do so will result in NO REFUNDS/CREDITS/MAKE-UP CLASS.

Incomplete Homework
If your child cannot complete the homework for any reason, he/she must return the unfinished homework (as well as any completed homework) to the following session at B2A Learning Centre.

Emergency Situations:
In the event that my child requires medical attention, I consent to my child being transported to the nearest emergency centre, by private vehicle or ambulance if necessary; and I accept that I am responsible for any costs incurred.

Photo and Video Release:
I consent to my child’s photography being taken and used on the B2A website, social media sites or by local media for promotional purposes for B2A Learning Centre.

Internet and Computer Use:
I understand that B2A Learning Centre computer access is designed for educational purposes only. B2A has taken precautions to restrict access to controversial materials and I will not hold B2A responsible for materials acquired from the network. I understand that if my child fails to comply, he/she may be removed from the B2A without monetary reimbursement.

Parental Involvement

  • Parents play a vital role in their own child’s learning. Parental support and commitment is crucial to the success of the student in the program.
  • Parents are responsible for the regular attendance of their child at the Centre and in providing a supportive learning environment at home.
  • To fully benefit from B2A program(s), students must establish a routine of attending class at least once a week and completing all assigned homework.
  • To help our students develop and maintain a good study habit, parents need to designate a homework time and space at home so that all assigned homework is completed thoroughly, before bringing the homework to class.
  • Parents are encouraged to correspond with the centre staff about any concerns regarding their child’s study at home, their progress or any challenges.
  • Parents are welcome to wait at the Centre while their child completes his/her work. However, we request that parents please stay in the waiting areas and refrain from entering the classroom area at any time, as other students may find it disruptive.
  • The centre is not responsible for watching over your child after they have completed their B2A studies. Therefore, parents are expected to pick up their child on time after they have completed their work.